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Refuel after your workout with delicious, locally sourced fresh food
The best healthy food in Bangtao, Phuket
Grab a quick breakfast, lunch or shake between workouts at Ringside Café, a fantastic place to chat and make new gym friends. We have everything you’ll need to refuel and keep performing at your best, including Thai, Western, and European meals as well as fruit drinks, protein shakes and some healthy(ish) cheat meals.
We offer a range of nutritious meals as part of our meal plan service, helping you keep on track and achieve your fitness goals. Our selection of healthy (and delicious) meals are carefully curated to provide the perfect balance of nutrients to fuel your body and support your workouts. The package includes two daily meals, and a refreshing beverage like coffee, tea, water, or a soft drink. Whether you want to lose weight, build muscle, or simply maintain a healthy lifestyle, our meal plans are the perfect addition to your fitness routine.
Pricing starts from ฿3500 per week or enjoy 10% off when you book for a month at ฿12,500.
Add your chosen meal plan duration to your booking in the online checkout and get your nutrition right!
Opening times
Monday to Friday: 7:30 am – 8:00 pm
Saturday: 8 am – 2 pm
Sunday: 8 am – 2 pm