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Bangtao Fit classes are the perfect start to your day. High Intensity Interval Training to jack up your endorphins and improve your conditioning first thing in the morning. The classes have a range of benefits including weight loss, building muscle and leveling up your fight ready conditioning if you’re an athlete.

Bangtao Fit Mornings

These early morning sessions are designed using training techniques to improve your strength, speed, power, endurance, and energy system conditioning. Whether you want to condition your body in preparation for the physical demands of combat sports or looking to torch fat and improve your overall health, this challenging class will push your performance to another level.

High Intensity

The classes are structured to make sure you are primed to meet the physical demands of high intensity training. Starting with a dynamic warmup and mobility- based movements, the sessions then progress to the main workout which vary from more strength focused to conditioning, all capping off with a dynamic cool down and stretch. All exercises can be scaled to your fitness level and ability so no matter your experience, you will improve and more importantly, enjoy the class.  

Programmed for Performace

Bangtao’s strength and conditioning classes are designed with pro athletes in mind. It is world class performance enhancement program designed by UFC TUF coach Andrew “Woody” Wood for competitive fighters and athletes looking to take their fight preparations and conditioning to the next level.  

Personal Training

Need extra attention? Have a specific goal in mind? Whether it’s fat lose or preparation for a fight camp, contact us and we can tailor private sessions and programming to ensure you smash your goals.


Andrew Wood

Head S&C Coach

Start training today